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Friday, June 15, 2012

Way to avoid ssh connection timeout & freezing of terminal tab - Super User

Way to avoid ssh connection timeout & freezing of terminal tab - Super User:

sshd (the server) closes the connection if it doesn't hear anything from the client for a while. You can tell your client to send a sign-of-life signal to the server once in a while.
The configuration for this is in the file ~/.ssh/config. To send the signal every four minutes to remotehost, put the following in your ~/.ssh/config.
Host remotehost
  ServerAliveInterval 240
This is what I have in my ~/.ssh/config.
To enable it for all hosts use:
Host *
  ServerAliveInterval 240
Also make sure to run chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config, because the config file must not be world-readable.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Top 5 Bit Torrent Clients for Ubuntu | Tech Drive-in

Top 5 Bit Torrent Clients for Ubuntu | Tech Drive-in:

Applications for Ubuntu/Linux are not at all in short supply. But picking the best from the rest is not an easy thing to do. There are a number of really good bit torrent clients for Ubuntu out there. Here we intend feature a collection of 5 really good bit torrent clients for Ubuntu which we think are among the best.

top torrent clients for Ubuntu

Deluge Bit Torrent Client
Deluge is among my favorite bit torrent clients for Ubuntu. It is fast, slick and packed with all sorts of functionalities. Deluge is not available in Ubuntu by default, but its in the repositories.

Deluge Bit Torrent Client
  • Now, if you want to install the latest bleeding edge version of Deluge instead, you need to do the following in Terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install deluge
  • Done. Now goto Applications - Internet - Deluge BitTorrent Client.
Transmission Bit Torrent Client
As you all should know already, Transmission is the default bit torrent client in Ubuntu for a long time now. Transmission is a nice mix of simplicity and functionality. And it is my second favorite bit torrent client(after Deluge). It incorporates all the basic features you would expect from a torrent client.

Transmission Bit Torrent Client
  • Transmission is available by default in Ubuntu. But if you want to install the latest bleeding edge version of browser in Ubuntu, you need to do the following in Terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Done. Now goto Applications - Internet - Transmission BitTorrent Client.
qBittorrent Bit Torrent Client
The qBittorrent project aims to provide a Free Software alternative to µtorrent. Additionally, qBittorrent runs and provides the same features on all major platforms including Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. Like the ones we featured before, qBittorrent is also available in Ubuntu repositories by default.

qBittorrent Bit Torrent Client
  • Now, if you want to install the latest bleeding edge(and unstable) version of qBittorrent instead, you need to do the following in Terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hydr0g3n/qbittorrent-unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qbittorrent
  • Done. Now goto Applications - Internet - qBittorrent.
KTorrent Bit Torrent Client
This is not really a tailor made bit torrent client for Ubuntu GNOME. KTorrent is a KDE application and it looks complete out of place in a GNOME desktop. But apart from that, from a functionality point of view, KTorrent is a more than adequate torrent client of Ubuntu.

KTorrent Bit Torrent Client
  • You can install latest version under development version of KTorrent instead via Kubuntu backports PPA(though I haven't tried it myself). 
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ktorrent
  • Done. Now goto Applications - Internet - KTorrent.
Vuze Bit Torrent Client
Vuze bit torrent client is also a widely used alternative among Ubuntu users. Though I have never really preferred it over the likes of Deluge or Transmission, I have noticed elsewhere that a lot of Linux users actually prefer Vuze(previously called Azureus).

Vuze Bit Torrent Client
Hope this list proves to be of real help for newbie Ubuntu users. For those you have just started using Ubuntu, you might want to check out this collection of applications of all kinds you might want to install after installing Ubuntu.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Suji's blog: How to add a disk to LVM

Suji's blog: How to add a disk to LVM:


Quick Notes First:

Formatting the new Disk

Suppose the Disk is /dev/sdb, the second scsi disk,
   fdisk /dev/sdb
   create as many partitions as you need using command n
   Label them with command t as 8e for making it Linux LVM
   Write and Exit with the command w.
Format the partitions you require using mkfs command
   mkfs -t ext3 -c /dev/sdb1
LVM commands
   pvcreate /dev/sdb1
   vgextend VolGroup00 /dev/sdb1
   lvextend -L 15G /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 ;for extending LogVol to 15GB
   lvextend -L+1G /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 ;for adding one more GB to Logical Volume LogVol01
   ext2online /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 ;for resizing the Logical Volumes
Thats it finished

On Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 you need to use resize2fs to resize the lvm.

Shell Script for yesterday's date. | DaniWeb

Shell Script for yesterday's date. | DaniWeb:

The gnu version of the "date" command (as used in linux/cygwin) has this functionality built in already.
If you are using linux you can simply use
  1. date --date=yesterday +%y%m%d

See man date for more details.

Shell Script : Checking MySQL Slave Server(Replication) Status

Shell Script : Checking MySQL Slave Server(Replication) Status:

Shell Script : Checking MySQL Slave Server(Replication) Status